Диана Принцесса подписался(сь) на новости fionta.fionova (Карина Норкова).

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Диана Принцесса, 51 год
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Диана Принцесса

День рождения:
Семейное положение:
Дневник принцессы Природы.
Русский, English, Français, Deutsch, Українська, العربية, МагӀарул мацӀ, Akkadītum, Dangme, Алтай тил, American Sign Language, ܐܪܡܝܐ, Унаңам тунуу, Агъул чIал, Armãneascã, アイヌ・イタㇰ
Abraham Lincoln School

Моб. телефон:
say can only 23
Дом. телефон:
О себе:
Hello friends! I think you would find it interesting as I come from? I will answer this question. Actually, in the beginning, I was a normal pony. Like many ponies, I lived in Ponyville. I loved to read books about nature and different adventures. Here, once again, read the spell of the Old Swirl, he was in another world. The spell was: "Equestria is a magical country. Miracles are coming for you. There is another world in which everything is wrong. There are ponies of it, no other color, the mysterious pony, which I will come back, will rule that mysterious country. " Further, the book was closed, I'm not having anything to see, was in a strange place. There was the exact opposite. And really, it's very strange. Suddenly, I flew two princesses. It was like Celestia and Luna, only a different color. Senior - Militia called, and the youngest of Selenium. I was surprised by all of this. Yes me, I was. I was on a photo just yet without dress, crown, horns and wings. The Princess allowed me to explore their country. Interestingly, there is always the pink sky. The grass is blue. The Princess decided that I better learn all their country, to give me knowledge. Over the years, I learned a lot from them. And learned a lot. Once again, the country was attacked. They were warriors of darkness. They are dangerous, and can destroy the world. Selena taught me combat. I decided to help the princesses. The country Feed magic was strong. Princess, I decided that I, too, have yet to become a Princess. Here, I also became a Princess. We flew to fight for their country and for peace on it. The battle was long and difficult. But we managed to win! We decided to celebrate the victory. The next day, I decided to give the title Princess. My name was Diana. So, I became Princess Diana. Later, I decided to change the name. So, I was known as the Princess of Nature.
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